What Does HyProCure Treat?

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Recurrent Talotarsal Joint Dislocation (RTTJD)

There is a very common condition where the ankle bone loses its normal stability and alignment on the heel bone. This one pathologic condition is responsible for the majority of atraumatic orthopedic deformities of the body.

Misaligned/over-pronated feet

Pronation is a mechanical term used to describe specific motions that occur as a result of ankle bone motion on the heel bone. When the ankle bone is pronating, it is turning slightly inward, downward, and forward. The opposite of pronation is supination when the ankle bone moves slightly outward, upward, and backward.

Flat feet/fallen arches

One of the most recognized conditions related to ankle bone instability is a lower than normal arch. It is important to know you can have ankle bone instability without a lower than normal arch, but it is unheard of to have a lower than normal arch without ankle bone instability.

Pediatric Heel Pain

There is a very painful condition that can potentially happen to physically active children between 8 and 14 years old (DOI: 10.7547/17-105). This pain in the back/bottom of the heel can occur to one or both feet. There is no history of trauma. It seems that the pain just comes unexpectedly.

Adult Heel Pain

There is a very painful condition that seems to show up out of nowhere that attacks the inner-bottom part of the heel. The tell-tale sign that you have this condition is that there is no pain when you are not standing on your foot, and there is pain when you first stand or begin to walk. This pain, for example, occurs when getting out of bed in the morning or after being off your feet for a while.


A “bunion” is a generic term for an enlarged big toe joint. It is historically referred to as inflamed tissues of the big toe joint, but over the years it has evolved to mean a big toe joint that has an enlarged bone at the end/head of the long first metatarsal bone. Bunions can range in size from very mild to really severe. Pain associated with bunions does not correlate with the size of the bump.

Big toe joint pain

This is a common condition within the big toe joint that restricts the normal amount of motion. The big toe is medically called the hallux. When a joint loses its normal amount of motion but still has some motion present that is called limitus.


A hammertoe is a toe that is contracted. There are 2 forms of hammertoes; flexible or rigid. The rigid hammertoe is fixed and cannot be returned to a straight toe. A flexible toe can be placed back into its normal alignment.

Morton’s Neuroma

There is a painful condition of the forefoot that feels like an electrical shock. This feeling of walking with a stone under the ball of your foot will quickly limit your activity level. There could be many reasons that pain to the ball of the foot could happen. Your doctor will need to perform a thorough examination and only your doctor can diagnose your condition.

Posterior tibial tendon disease

There is a condition when the inner arch area of the foot, usually in a person over 50 years of age, becomes very painful. The arch is much lower than “normal.” Many forms of treatment will be given but they only slow the inevitable, aggressive foot reconstructive surgery.

Plantar Neuropathy

There is a very concerning condition of the foot to be discussed here – nerve damage. This is one of the conditions of the lower extremity where there seems to be no real answers or solutions because physicians have been focusing their attention on the wrong area. There are many reasons why the nerves of the foot can become diseased.

Growing Pains

Growing pains are a non-life-threatening condition that affects children whose bones are not yet fully grown. There seems to be a mystery of why children get this condition. Should a parent have any concerns if their child experiences this condition? Please read on to find out more.

Knee Pain

Knee pain is one of the most common orthopedic complaints. More than 15 million people seek treatment for their knee pain ever year. It has been estimated that more than 100 million people suffer from chronic knee pain. That means 1/3 of all Americans currently have a knee pain complaint. What do we know? The older you are the more likely it is that you will develop knee pain and there are no long-term cures. Maybe we can find that knee pain is a symptom of an underlying cause.

Hip Pain

Hip pain affects millions of adults. In fact, hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) are two of the major contributors to global disability. Every year more and more people complain of hip pain. It seems like no one can figure out how to get rid of your hip pain once and for all. We have the solution you’ve been looking for!

Back Pain

There are estimates that as many as 80% of the population will suffer from back pain at some point in their life. The majority of back pain occurs without any trauma. Can you believe that > $50 billion is spent treating back pain – every year? At any given time, there are more than 31 million Americans with back pain. Let’s find out why this is such a problem.


There is a condition where the calf muscles and the strong Achilles tendon become tighter and/or shorter than they should. This will cause an imbalance of forces acting within the foot and lead to other painful conditions. Our goal is to find out why the calf muscles tighten and what is the best form of treatment.

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